Plant ID tour by Boris

Learn how to identify plants and about fruit trees at FH1

FH3 and FH8 waterfall visit

Starting off from FH1 at 8:30am, visiting FH3 community area and FH8 waterfall, up to FH9 boundary and back to FH3 waterfall.

Secret Santa potluck

Secret Santa: pick your the gift receiver. The people that wanna participate have to be present at the assignment of the person to whom to make the gift. 6pm potluck […]

Christmas potluck at Terra Frutis

7:30am (or anytime before 1pm) - leaving from FH1 to Gualaquiza market 1pm - bus from Gualaquiza bus terminal, should say "Shiramentza and Proveeduría"

FH3, FH8 and FH9 visit

Trekking through the jungle to checkout land for sale at FH3, FH8 and FH9