Bitcoin workshop by Boris

Come learn about how to use Bitcoin and other crypto currency. Requirements: smartphone or laptop: download exedus, bring pen and some good pieces of paper and ziplock bags to save the papers that you will write the seed words for your new wallet. Raw vegan dance party later.

Music night

Come and play music at FH1

Plant ID tour by Boris

Learn how to identify plants and about fruit trees at FH1

FH3 and FH8 waterfall visit

Starting off from FH1 at 8:30am, visiting FH3 community area and FH8 waterfall, up to FH9 boundary and back to FH3 waterfall.

Secret Santa potluck

Secret Santa: pick your the gift receiver. The people that wanna participate have to be present at the assignment of the person to whom to make the gift. 6pm potluck 7pm pick the person 8pm game

Christmas potluck at Terra Frutis

7:30am (or anytime before 1pm) - leaving from FH1 to Gualaquiza market 1pm - bus from Gualaquiza bus terminal, should say "Shiramentza and Proveeduría"